Pen Bay Medical Center




Thank you!

A. Jeanette Achorn

Arnold and Alcy Achorn

Carol Achterhof

Kathryn Adamsky

Arthur Adelberg and Linda Crawford

Advent Christian Church

Annemarie Ahearn and Nathan Perkins

Brenda Akerman

Dr. and Mrs. Terence Albright

Alcoholics Anonymous Groups

Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Allen

Allen Insurance and Financial

Susan Allum

American Legion Post #43 Belfast

The Anchor Church

Denise Anderson, DO and Ron Staschak

C. Herbert and Grace Annis

Anonymous Donors (33)

Applewood Dental

Thomas H. Armbrecht

John and Janet Arrison

Isa and Charles Babb

Matthew Bachtel

Jane Badershall

Robert and Marjorie Baldwin

Susan and William Barbour, DDS

Lorna Barnard

Paul Barresi

Melvin and Helena Basso-Robin

Diana L. Beach

A. Rosemary and Frank Beane

Constance and George Beasley

Chris and Charlotte Beebe

Belfast Co-op

Belfast Rotary Club

Ms. Lula E. Benemann

Jodie and Benjamin Benner, MD

Ernest A. Benner

Kirk Bernadino, MD and Marianne Bernadino, MD

Debbie Bertolac

Gail and John Bertuzzi

Mary Betterley

Ann M. Bex

Judith and Alvin Bicker

Rebecca Bickmore

Dee Bielenberg

Joanne and Glenn Billington

Noreen Bishop

Bixby & Company

Ann and Harris Bixler

Kerry Black

G. Lansing and Olive Blackshaw

Wildred and Tracy Blais

Roger F. Blake

Thomas Bland

Martha and Sidney Block, MD

Blue Harbor House Inn

Ms. Grace Bogard and Mr. Raymond A. Gilhooly

Paula Bogue

Mr. Gordon Bok

Iris Bolduc

Patricia Bonness and Samuel Gramiccioni

Jean Boobar

Alice Boody

Hank Booth

Valerie Borgal

Dirck and Lee Born

Mary P. Born

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bosica, Jr.

Ronald and Ruth Bossie

Martha Bouchard

Philip and Joan Bowen

Donavan A. R. Bowley

Mrs. Rebecca A. Brace

Jay and Robbie Bradford

Roger and Laura Brainerd

Carole Brand

Marianne Braun and Heinz Lehmann

The Bresnahan Family

Gwendolyn Hudson and Mark Breton

Cherry and Donald Brewster

Galen and Hathaway Brewster

Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Brooks

Sally Brophy

Albert and Pamela Brown

Barrett and Lynn Brown

Doug and Dale Bruce

Faustina Bryant

Maynard and Joye Buck

George and Mary Burgess

Steven and Lisa Burgess

Barbara and Richard Burns

Joanne and Stephen Burns

Robert and Priscilla Burt

William and Barbara Buss

Marjorie and John Buyers Foundation

Sharyn Buyers

Dorothy and Walter M. Cabot

Cabot Creamery Co-operative

Richard and Louise Cadwgan

Richard Caesar, MD

Katherine and Bartley Calder

Brian Callahan

Kevin Callahan

Camden Hills Regional High School

Camden National Bank

Larry Campbell

Linda Campbell


Fred and Mary Alice Carey

Mary Ann Carey

Bart and Mary Lou Carhart

Jonas Carlson

Mary N. Carlson

Sue and Bill Caron

Sylvia Carr

C. Stuart Carroll

Cascade Foundation

William and Lynn Case

Alice Casella

Cheryl and Jeffrey Cash

John and Therese Castellani

Stanley and Elsie Catell

Julie Cawley

Cedar Works, Inc.

Center for Furniture Craftsmanship

Sheila Chadwick

Paul and Beth Chamberlin

F. Randall Chanler

William Chapman and Helen Shaw

Tim Choate

O'Ann and Pat Christiansen

City of Belfast

Clarence and Anne Dillon Dunwalke Trust

Vaughn Clay

Jonna Clayton

Sandra Clement

David J. Clough

William P. Cockburn

Lynn and Aaron Cole

Clayton and Elizabeth Collins

Micki and Jeff Colquhoun

Jane Conrad

Caryn Converse

Charlotte Cook

Teresa Coose

Kathy and Ronald Cormier

Jan Corson

Davilynn and John Cowperthwaite, Jr.

Don and Judith Cox

Stephen and Brooke Cox

The Cox Family

Lyle and Jan Cramer

Susan Crane

Mr. Bruce Craven

Harden L. Crawford, lll

Create Care Maine

Howard R. Crocker Sr.

Nicholas Crofoot

Turil Cronburg

Judith and Philip Crosby, Jr.

Jeffrey and Carol Cross

Justin and Megan Cross

Althea Croxford

Crow Builders, Inc.

Greg Currier

Ro-Ann and Brian Curry

Gayle and James Curtis, MD

Laurinda Cushman

Custom Coatings Inc.

James and Katherine Cuthbertson

Brooke and Nathan Cyr

Lisa Cyr

Judith and Charles Danielson

Darby's Restaurant

Kevin and Jane Davey

Elaine Davis

Eric and Bonnie Davis

Jessie Davis and Dan Bookham

Yvonne and James Davis, Jr.

Corliss and Rick Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dean

Deborah Lincoln House

John and Carol Deetjen

Elieen Del Monte

Paula and Patrick Delahanty

Theodore Dembowski

Richard Desmarais

Kathy and Jack Deupree

District 16

Janet Doherty

Dency Dokoozian

Domino's Pizza Rockland

Jo Dondis and Peter Imber

Mr. Martin Dorgan

Douglas Dynamics, LLC

City Drawers

Mr. and Mrs. Drickey

Linda and Daniel Drinkwater

Yvonne Drown

Doreen and Gregory Dufour

Dunkin' Donuts Corporate

Dunkin' Donuts Rockport and Rockland

Dutch Chevrolet-Buick

Geoff Duyk and Tina Wolter

C. Leonard Dyer

Edward Earle and Anna Strickland

Eastern Tire and Auto Service

Denyse Ebersole

Patricia and Robert Eddy, Jr.

Anna Eells

Elks Lodge No. 1008

Rita Grinnell Elliott

Bruce and Judy Ellis

Jon and Rita Ellis

Bennett Ellison

Emblem Club #200 - Rockland

Stephen and Herberta Emery

Andrew and Bonnie Emmertz

Diana and Averill Engstrom, Jr.

Gene and Carlyn Ernest

Linda Esancy and Family

Mary Louise Eugley

Joseph L. Faber and Sumy C. Daeufer

Robert and Jane Fairbanks

Lyn Faller

Family Planning Association of Maine, Inc.

Beatrice and John Fargnoli, Jr.

Jean and John Farnsworth

Mark and Katharine Farrell

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney and Charlene Farris

Federated Church of Thomaston

R. John Feely, III

Paul and Victoria Ferber

Ferraiolo Construction, Inc.

Jacqueline Ferrara

Michael A. Ferrara, Jr. and Pasqualina Ferrara

Kelly and Nathaniel Fickett

Fiduciary Trust Company

John Fierro

Fire Preventure Bureau of Manchester NH

First Congregational Church Wiscasset

First National Bank

Barbara Fiscus

David Flanagan

Kelly Flanagan

Maureen Flanagan

Kenneth Flannery

Sue Fleming

Moray and Barbara Fleming

Louise W. Flint and William Flint

Margaret Flippo

Alexandra Fogel

Brud Folger

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foote Jr.

Morgan Forster

Susan Fortier

Charlotte and Jay Foster

Deborah Foster

Ann and Mark Fourre, MD

Dan Fox

Joan Foxwell

Karen Foxwell

Maureen Foye

Franny's Bistro

John and Jo-Ann Freburger

Lucille and Donald Frechette

Lena Peirce Frederick Trust

Brooke Freeman

M. Alton French Charitable Fund

James and Patricia Frey

Laureen Frost

June Fryer

Alexandrea Fullerton

Barbara and Bart Furey, IV

Gale J. Furey

Barbara Furman

Sherry Gagne

Robert and Ann Gailey

Larry and Gayle Gallagher

Barbara M. Gallione

Eleanor Gambell

Dorothy Gardner

Donald and Faith Garrold

Rick and Syrena Gatewood

Amy and John Germaine

Terry Gerritsen, MD and Jacob Gerritsen, MD

Elizabeth Gerstacker

Suzette Gilbert

Jayne and Michael Giles

Ken and Sally Gillett

Girl Scout Service Unit Mountain to Sea

Girl Scout Troop 2050

Girl Scout Troop 857

Larry Glaser

William and Diana Glover

Jennifer Goldberg, MD

Carol R. Good

Goodwill Rockland

William and Gail Goodwin

Susan and Kenneth Gordon

Stephen and Judy Graebert

Mr. and Mrs. George G. Grafton

Deirdre Gramas, MD

Mary and George Graner

Daphne and Ken Grant

Anthony and Sally Grassi

Deborah Green

The Green Hill Foundation

John and Rebecca Greene

Nancy L. Greenier

Bob and Susan Griffin

Phillip Groman and Sarah Newell Price

John Grossbaum

Ned and Terry Gruener

Laurie Guay

Jennifer Guilfoyle

Beth and Ken Guiseley

Peggy Haas

Peter Haddock

Eve Hadley

Duane Hall

Emory and Frederic Hamilton, Jr.

Nancy and Paul Hamilton

Ruby Hamilton

Wayne Hamilton

Hamilton Marine

Hammond Lumber Company Camden

Sharon Hanley

Lucile and Stephen Hanscom

Stanwood and Barbara Hanson

Elizabeth Harder

Jane and Stephen Hardy

Anne Harmon Fear and Thomas Fear

Jennifer Watt Harrell

Judith and Leroy Harrington

Jenifer Harris

Priscilla Hart

Janet and Charles Hartman

Harvest Valley Snowmobile Club

Frank and Erika Harvey

Ralph and Joyce Harvey

Truth Hawk and Paul Kluger, MD

Arthur and Sara Hayes

Lori and John Hayes

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

Robert and Roberta-Lee Heald

Walter and Mary Heathcote

Chun Mei and Robert Hellerson

Eric Hendrickson

Elizabeth Henry

Susan Henry

Kathleen Hermann

Francis and Jean Hertz

Charlotte Hewat

Karen Hicock

Hidden Valley Camps Inc.

Caroline Higgins

Joseph and Dorothy Higgins

Marvin Higgins

Alison Hildreth

Lorna Hills

Rotchana Hirshberg

Roy and Debbi Hitchings

Georgia Hodgkins

Kimberly and Michael Hodgkins

Doris E. Hodson Trust

Dr. Bruce A. Hoekstra

John Hoff and Laura Berkshire

Rona Hokanson

Albert O. Holland

Jeffrey and Peggy Holt

Clark and Martha Hooper

Patricia Hopkins

Horch Roofing, Inc

Hospice Volunteers

Howie Carr Show Enterprises LLC

Mrs. Mary J. Hughes

Bruce and Barbara Hunt

Elizabeth S. Hunt

Vernon B. Hunter

Susan Hyde

Kathleen Ilvonen

William and June Ingraham

J. A. Croson LLC

Gwendolyn and Robert Jackson

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jahnke

Tom Jamieson

Ron and Shirley Jarvella

Robert and Paula Jedzinak

Patrick Jeffery

John Street United Methodist Church

Donald Johnson

Linnea K. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Ms. Meredith H. Jones and Mr. Dana P. Murch

Patricia and Rendle Jones, Esq.

Jonesport Beals High School

Asger and Sandra Jorgensen

Just Friends Hair Design

Sally Kaehrle

Leonard and Deanne Kalinowski

Steven and Constance Kalloch

Ted and Susan Kanellakis

Gerald and Marsha Kaplan

S. Joel Karp

David and Stephanie Karsten

K. Bradley Kehler, OD

James Keller and Judith Daniels

Bud and Wendy Kellett

The Kelley Family

Fred and Molly Kellogg

Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District

Ellen C. Kenney

Celeste and Jim Kichefski

Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation

James Kinnealey

Sumner and Marjorie Kinney

Nada and Joseph Kirk

Jeanne and Paul Klainer, MD

Elinor Klivans

Caroline Knight and Mike Kerzee

Knox Girl Scout Troop

Paul Knutson

Dale Kimball-Kocot and James Kocot

Ervin Koenig

Dency Kokoozian

BJ Kopishke

Richard Koski and Dorothy Koski

Bill Kreamer

Stephanie and Alan Kumble

Carroll LaHaye

Anton and Alison Lahnston

The Landing Place

Meredith Lang

Christina and Stan Lanphier

Sally and R. Chase Lasbury

Douglas and Lucille Lash

Stephanie Lash, MD

Laugh loud Smile big

Andrew Lawrence

Elizabeth Lawrence, MD and Caleb Lawrence

Bill and Marty Leavitt

Aimee LeClerc

Jennifer Lee

Lancelot and Dorothy Lee

Marilyn C. Leggett

R. Michael Lenderking

Sandra and David Leonard

Lillian Letourneau

Allison and Bill Libby

Libra Foundation

Cheryl A. Liechty, MD, MPH and Mark P. Eggena, MD, PhD

Judith Lindahl

Marilyn Lindquist

Melinda and Wayne Lindsey

Frederick and Kimberley Lipp

Bruce R. Lively and Ann P. Rutherford

Thomas Lloyd and Wickham Taylor

Bill Lohrman

Robin and Laurence Lombard

Heather Long

Lonza Rockland, Inc.

Harrah Lord

Kenneth and Diane Love

Jacquelyn Lovejoy

Sue Low

Patricia and Robert Lowe

Estate of Ed and Nancy Ludwig

Pat Lundholm

Jessie and Paul Luttrell

Mark Lutz

Patricia Lyford

Deborah and Richard Lyon

Eleanor MacDonald

Audrey Mack

Mahogany Hair Salon

John and Betty Ann Mahoney

Maine Cancer Foundation

Maine Chiefs of Police Association

Mainely Coffee

Maybelle Mank

Joseph Manuel

Judge and Mrs. Alfred L. Margolis

Maritime Energy

Francis Marsano, Esq.

Michael and Lisa Marshall

Cynthia and William Martell

Martha Martens

Eleanor and Carroll Martin

Hugh and Sue Martin

Clara Mason

Susan and Steve Masone

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Master

James and Jean Matlack

Matthews Brothers Company

David and Karen Maxwell

Lori and David Maxwell

Joan McBain

Colin McCabe

Zachary McCormick and Saben McCormick

Sandra and Stanley McCurdy

McDonald's of Rockland, Damariscotta

Jane McDonnell

Stephen and Diann McGraw

Gustaf McIlhenny

John and Wende McIlwain

Matthew McKillop

Tim McLelllan

Janet McMahon

Peter and Amy McNaughton

Kathleen and Peter McNeill

MELMAC Educaton Foundation

Jane and Robert Merrill, MD

Winnifred Merrill

Pat Messler

James Metsch

Marion Metzger

Lauren Michalakes, MD and Chris Michalakes, DO

The Mid-Coast School of Technology

Midcoast Solid Waste Corporation

Midcoast Umpire Association

Katherine Migliorato

Annie and Robert Miles

Michael and Deborah Millay

Ed and Carol Miller

Carlotta and Merlin Miller

Diane L. E. Green Minor and Q. Grady Minor

Zareen Taj Mirza

Archie E. Mitchell

Kenneth and Deborah Mitchell

Richard Mitchell

Sheila and Floyd Montgomery, Jr.

Dennis and Anne Moore

Leslie Moore

Mary Moran, MD

Liz and Perry Morgan, Jr.

Caroline and Wayne Morong

Susan and Bill Most

Frank Muddle

Brenda and John Mullen

Angela Murgita

Kimberly Murphy

William and Mary Murphy

Dorsey Dee and James Murray

Kathleen Murray-Allain

Wayne and Jo Ann Myers

Denise Needham, PharmD

Pat and Jim Nelson

Mary Nelson

Beverly and Wayne Nelson

Network for Good

Mary and Paul Neuhauser

Debra and Johnson Neuschwanger

Russell Newbert

Claudette and Gerald Newhall

Nathalie Nicholas

Ellen and H. Gilman Nichols. Jr.

Jeffrey and Elizabeth Nims

Elizabeth Noble

Anne and Richard Norman

Northeast Delta Dental Foundation, Inc.

William E. Nuesse, MD and Jane Watkinson

Colleen and Carl Oberg

Barbara P. Oberg-Higgins, MD

Paul and Elaine O'Brien

Sandra O'Connell

O'Hara Corporation

Lynette and Frank O'Hara, Jr.

Robert and Robin Ohrt

John and Beverly Omalia

Janice and Lincoln Orff

Marcia Orff

Wanda and James Orino, DDS

Sharon Osborne

Laurie and Bruce Osgood

Krista and Dan Ottman

Jan and Jim Owen

Betty Page

Mabel Palermo

Deidre Parlin

Elizabeth Parsons

Phyllis M. Parsons

Priscilla and Keith Patten

Kurt and Catherine Patten

PBMC Nursing Fundraiser

Jane Peabody

Hon. Alan and Margaret Pease

Johnna Pendleton

Bonnie and David Percival

Richard and Margaret Petersen

Rachel and Gary Philbrick

Philippe and Jennifer Selendy

James and Catherine Pierce

Jane Piper

Mark and Florence Piscitelli

Tammy Plante

Leslie Poole

John Power

Nancy Prescott

Irene Purcell

Barbara B. Putnam

Jennifer Pyenta, DO and Jeffrey Willey

John and Joyce Pyne

Tina and Joe Pyne

Robert and Mary Rackmales

Mildred Rainey

James and Wendy Rapaport

Linda Raven

Kevin Redding

Redzone Wireless

Lawrence Reichard

Edward and Pamela Rengle

Mrs. Banning Repplier

Brian A. Richard, Sr.

Alice Richardson

Diana Rigg

Jonathan Rigg

Dorcas Riley

James and Ann Robbins

Louine Robbins

Karen Roberts

Lloyd Roberts

Thomas and Elaine Roberts

Glenda Robinson

Ronda Robotham

Rock City Employees Cooperative

Rockport Marine, Inc.

Rockport Steel

John Rodeman

Alice and John Rogers

Martha and Paul Rogers, lll

Hugh and Anna Ronalds

Dr. and Mrs. John and Charlotte Root

Patricia Boyd Ruffin and Nicholas Ruffin

Aphiwat Ruklittikul

Carlton and Lorna Russell

Mark and Diane Russell

Lisa Sabatine

James and Aimee Sanfilippo

Jeannette Sanger

Mary and Glen Sargent

Patricia Saucier

Marion Saunders

Lori Schafer and Jeffrey Wolff

Walter Schiff

Deborah Schilder and Fritz Burke

Marc Schnur

John B. Scholz and Margaret E. Barclay

Betty Schopmeyer

Susan Schorin

Melody Schubert

Gay Schueler

Sarah and Joseph Scordino, MD

Anita Scott

Raymond and Regina Seamans

Victoria Sears

Searsport Elementary School

Seek-No-Further Farmstead

Evan and Tracy Segal

Donna Sforza

Jerry and Gloria Sharp

Ken Shaw

Sandra L. Shaw

Warren and Jeanne Shay

Mary Sheldon

Dr. Thomas Sienkewicz and Dr. Anne Sienkewicz

Judith Simmons

Frank Simon, II

Paula and Wayne Sirois

Michael and Patricia Skalina

Doris Slivinsky

Cary Slocum and Glenn Montgomery

Peggy and Mark Smist

Frederick Smith

Sheri and Lloyd Smith

Leigh and Ronald Smith

Steven and Eva Smith

Susan and Robert Snead, MD

Carol Sodergren

Graydon and Jamie Sodergren

Anne and Tony Solley

Jeffrey and Andrea Space

Peter and Eileen Spectre

Spectrum Healthcare Partners

Nancy Spinney

Roger Sprague

William and Isa Squiers

Jane Staman

Tom and Jo Ellen Stammen

Molly Miller Staples

Judy Stein

Dr. and Mrs. Robert and Sarah Stein

Lorelei Steiner

Robert Steinmetz and Patricia Ashton

Constance Stelzer

Dr. and Mrs. William and Elizabeth Stephenson

Jane and E. William Stetson, III

Andrew Stevenson

Geoffrey and Joyce Stewart

Stitch Witch Sewing and Alterations

Charlene and Doug Stone

Henry Stone

Margaret A. Stone Marital Trust

The Stone Brick Oven Kitchen

Donn Storey

Linda Stover

Mark and Julie Strong

Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley L. Strout Jr.

Gerald and Diane Stuart

Richard Stuart

Rita and Douglas Sukeforth

Steve and Natalie Sulzer

Thomas S. Swinton

Stuart and Janey Symington, Jr.

Ann B. Sziklas

David P. Taylor

Martin and Lynne Taylor

John and Michelle Terry

M. David and Adena W. Testa

Mary Elsa and Skip Theobald

Gerald Thibodeau

Georgie Thomas

Thomaston Recycling Inc

Stephen Thompson

Connie Thyng

Terri Tibbatts

Vincent S. Tirola

Rufus and Jean Titus

Tower Control, Inc.

Roscoe and Patricia Towne

Toymakers, United Methodist Church

Jean Tracy, PhD

Brian Trask and Marilyn Trask

Philip and Donna Trask

Grace Trivers

Robert and Nancy Trone

Michael Tucker

J. B. Turner

Kathryn Turner

Patrice Turner

Marie Underwood

United Midcoast Charities

Ms. Rita A. Vail and Mr. Duane E. Mosier

Peter Van Alstine

Margaret and Martyn Vickers, Jr., MD

John P. Voge

Kermit and Michael Voncannon

Cindy and James Wade

Waldo County Sheriff's Office

Richard Waldron

Gary and Roberta Walker

Robert and Ruth Wall

Donna Ward

Frederick Wardwell

Beverly and Gregory Wardwell

Bebe Waterman and Wanda Johnson

David and Christine Watson

WCGH Best Cafe

WCGH Cardiac Rehab

Suzanne Webber and Will Hardy

Wendy and Robert Weiler

Ree Wells

Nancy Wentworth

Diane Weymouth

Debby Wheelock and Chuck Paine

Nancy Wheelwright

Howard and Laura Whitcomb

Robert and Julie White, MD

Marian White

Ron and Carol Whittle

Wendy and Roger Wickenden, MD

Gabrielle and Joseph Wicklow

Susan Wilcox

Sara and Peter Wilds

Irma J. Wilhelm

Kye Wilkins

Sonja L. Willett

Kenneth Williams

Margaret Williams

Richard and Carolyn Williams

Pen and Bev Williamson

Hannah Williamson

Jonathan and Hayden Williamson

Dorian and Arlene Williamson

Eleanor and Jeffrey Willmann

Adeline Winkes, MD and Timothy Kunkel

Jean and Robert Witherill

Barton and Priscilla Wood

Dorothy and Stanley Wood

Susan Wood

Riley Woodbury and Reid Woodbury

Lynette L. Woodcock

Arlene and Chandler Woodman

Lorna and Lee Woodward, Jr., Esq.

Dale and Alice Woodworth


Cornelius Yetman, DO and Monica Shields

Charlotte Young

Mary Young

Spencer and Janice Youngblood

Your Cause, LLC Trustee for The HCA Foundation

Elaine Zimmerman

Natasha and Anthony Zontini

Adriaan ZurMuhlen and Hilje ZurMuhlen

Katharyn Zwicker

Names in italics indicate donors who have passed away.

Note: This report recognizes giving to CHA organizations and the Sussman House as recorded October 1, 2019, to September 30, 2020. Although every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, there is always the possibility of error. If we inadvertently omitted your name, or if your name is incorrect in the listing, we apologize. Please bring your concerns to our attention so that we may correct our records and acknowledge you properly in subsequent recognitions. We appreciate your comments and feedback. Please contact the Pen Bay Waldo Healthcare Foundation at 207-301-6713.

Waldo County General Hospital

A. Jeanette Achorn

Arnold and Alcy Achorn

Carol Achterhof

Kathryn Adamsky

Arthur Adelberg and Linda Crawford

Advent Christian Church

Annemarie Ahearn and Nathan Perkins

Brenda Akerman

Dr. and Mrs. Terence Albright

Alcoholics Anonymous Groups

Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Allen

Allen Insurance and Financial

Susan Allum

American Legion Post #43 Belfast

The Anchor Church

Denise Anderson, DO and Ron Staschak

C. Herbert and Grace Annis

Anonymous Donors (33)

Applewood Dental

Thomas H. Armbrecht

John and Janet Arrison

Isa and Charles Babb

Matthew Bachtel

Jane Badershall

Robert and Marjorie Baldwin

Susan and William Barbour, DDS

Lorna Barnard

Paul Barresi

Melvin and Helena Basso-Robin

Diana L. Beach

A. Rosemary and Frank Beane

Constance and George Beasley

Chris and Charlotte Beebe

Belfast Co-op

Belfast Rotary Club

Ms. Lula E. Benemann

Jodie and Benjamin Benner, MD

Ernest A. Benner

Kirk Bernadino, MD and Marianne Bernadino, MD

Debbie Bertolac

Gail and John Bertuzzi

Mary Betterley

Ann M. Bex

Judith and Alvin Bicker

Rebecca Bickmore

Dee Bielenberg

Joanne and Glenn Billington

Noreen Bishop

Bixby & Company

Ann and Harris Bixler

Kerry Black

G. Lansing and Olive Blackshaw

Wildred and Tracy Blais

Roger F. Blake

Thomas Bland

Martha and Sidney Block, MD

Blue Harbor House Inn

Ms. Grace Bogard and Mr. Raymond A. Gilhooly

Paula Bogue

Mr. Gordon Bok

Iris Bolduc

Patricia Bonness and Samuel Gramiccioni

Jean Boobar

Alice Boody

Hank Booth

Valerie Borgal

Dirck and Lee Born

Mary P. Born

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bosica, Jr.

Ronald and Ruth Bossie

Martha Bouchard

Philip and Joan Bowen

Donavan A. R. Bowley

Mrs. Rebecca A. Brace

Jay and Robbie Bradford

Roger and Laura Brainerd

Carole Brand

Marianne Braun and Heinz Lehmann

The Bresnahan Family

Gwendolyn Hudson and Mark Breton

Cherry and Donald Brewster

Galen and Hathaway Brewster

Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Brooks

Sally Brophy

Albert and Pamela Brown

Barrett and Lynn Brown

Doug and Dale Bruce

Faustina Bryant

Maynard and Joye Buck

George and Mary Burgess

Steven and Lisa Burgess

Barbara and Richard Burns

Joanne and Stephen Burns

Robert and Priscilla Burt

William and Barbara Buss

Marjorie and John Buyers Foundation

Sharyn Buyers

Dorothy and Walter M. Cabot

Cabot Creamery Co-operative

Richard and Louise Cadwgan

Richard Caesar, MD

Katherine and Bartley Calder

Brian Callahan

Kevin Callahan

Camden Hills Regional High School

Camden National Bank

Larry Campbell

Linda Campbell


Fred and Mary Alice Carey

Mary Ann Carey

Bart and Mary Lou Carhart

Jonas Carlson

Mary N. Carlson

Sue and Bill Caron

Sylvia Carr

C. Stuart Carroll

Cascade Foundation

William and Lynn Case

Alice Casella

Cheryl and Jeffrey Cash

John and Therese Castellani

Stanley and Elsie Catell

Julie Cawley

Cedar Works, Inc.

Center for Furniture Craftsmanship

Sheila Chadwick

Paul and Beth Chamberlin

F. Randall Chanler

William Chapman and Helen Shaw

Tim Choate

O'Ann and Pat Christiansen

City of Belfast

Clarence and Anne Dillon Dunwalke Trust

Vaughn Clay

Jonna Clayton

Sandra Clement

David J. Clough

William P. Cockburn

Lynn and Aaron Cole

Clayton and Elizabeth Collins

Micki and Jeff Colquhoun

Jane Conrad

Caryn Converse

Charlotte Cook

Teresa Coose

Kathy and Ronald Cormier

Jan Corson

Davilynn and John Cowperthwaite, Jr.

Don and Judith Cox

Stephen and Brooke Cox

The Cox Family

Lyle and Jan Cramer

Susan Crane

Mr. Bruce Craven

Harden L. Crawford, lll

Create Care Maine

Howard R. Crocker Sr.

Nicholas Crofoot

Turil Cronburg

Judith and Philip Crosby, Jr.

Jeffrey and Carol Cross

Justin and Megan Cross

Althea Croxford

Crow Builders, Inc.

Greg Currier

Ro-Ann and Brian Curry

Gayle and James Curtis, MD

Laurinda Cushman

Custom Coatings Inc.

James and Katherine Cuthbertson

Brooke and Nathan Cyr

Lisa Cyr

Judith and Charles Danielson

Darby's Restaurant

Kevin and Jane Davey

Elaine Davis

Eric and Bonnie Davis

Jessie Davis and Dan Bookham

Yvonne and James Davis, Jr.

Corliss and Rick Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dean

Deborah Lincoln House

John and Carol Deetjen

Elieen Del Monte

Paula and Patrick Delahanty

Theodore Dembowski

Richard Desmarais

Kathy and Jack Deupree

District 16

Janet Doherty

Dency Dokoozian

Domino's Pizza Rockland

Jo Dondis and Peter Imber

Mr. Martin Dorgan

Douglas Dynamics, LLC

City Drawers

Mr. and Mrs. Drickey

Linda and Daniel Drinkwater

Yvonne Drown

Doreen and Gregory Dufour

Dunkin' Donuts Corporate

Dunkin' Donuts Rockport and Rockland

Dutch Chevrolet-Buick

Geoff Duyk and Tina Wolter

C. Leonard Dyer

Edward Earle and Anna Strickland

Eastern Tire and Auto Service

Denyse Ebersole

Patricia and Robert Eddy, Jr.

Anna Eells

Elks Lodge No. 1008

Rita Grinnell Elliott

Bruce and Judy Ellis

Jon and Rita Ellis

Bennett Ellison

Emblem Club #200 - Rockland

Stephen and Herberta Emery

Andrew and Bonnie Emmertz

Diana and Averill Engstrom, Jr.

Gene and Carlyn Ernest

Linda Esancy and Family

Mary Louise Eugley

Joseph L. Faber and Sumy C. Daeufer

Robert and Jane Fairbanks

Lyn Faller

Family Planning Association of Maine, Inc.

Beatrice and John Fargnoli, Jr.

Jean and John Farnsworth

Mark and Katharine Farrell

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney and Charlene Farris

Federated Church of Thomaston

R. John Feely, III

Paul and Victoria Ferber

Ferraiolo Construction, Inc.

Jacqueline Ferrara

Michael A. Ferrara, Jr. and Pasqualina Ferrara

Kelly and Nathaniel Fickett

Fiduciary Trust Company

John Fierro

Fire Preventure Bureau of Manchester NH

First Congregational Church Wiscasset

First National Bank

Barbara Fiscus

David Flanagan

Kelly Flanagan

Maureen Flanagan

Kenneth Flannery

Sue Fleming

Moray and Barbara Fleming

Louise W. Flint and William Flint

Margaret Flippo

Alexandra Fogel

Brud Folger

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foote Jr.

Morgan Forster

Susan Fortier

Charlotte and Jay Foster

Deborah Foster

Ann and Mark Fourre, MD

Dan Fox

Joan Foxwell

Karen Foxwell

Maureen Foye

Franny's Bistro

John and Jo-Ann Freburger

Lucille and Donald Frechette

Lena Peirce Frederick Trust

Brooke Freeman

M. Alton French Charitable Fund

James and Patricia Frey

Laureen Frost

June Fryer

Alexandrea Fullerton

Barbara and Bart Furey, IV

Gale J. Furey

Barbara Furman

Sherry Gagne

Robert and Ann Gailey

Larry and Gayle Gallagher

Barbara M. Gallione

Eleanor Gambell

Dorothy Gardner

Donald and Faith Garrold

Rick and Syrena Gatewood

Amy and John Germaine

Terry Gerritsen, MD and Jacob Gerritsen, MD

Elizabeth Gerstacker

Suzette Gilbert

Jayne and Michael Giles

Ken and Sally Gillett

Girl Scout Service Unit Mountain to Sea

Girl Scout Troop 2050

Girl Scout Troop 857

Larry Glaser

William and Diana Glover

Jennifer Goldberg, MD

Carol R. Good

Goodwill Rockland

William and Gail Goodwin

Susan and Kenneth Gordon

Stephen and Judy Graebert

Mr. and Mrs. George G. Grafton

Deirdre Gramas, MD

Mary and George Graner

Daphne and Ken Grant

Anthony and Sally Grassi

Deborah Green

The Green Hill Foundation

John and Rebecca Greene

Nancy L. Greenier

Bob and Susan Griffin

Phillip Groman and Sarah Newell Price

John Grossbaum

Ned and Terry Gruener

Laurie Guay

Jennifer Guilfoyle

Beth and Ken Guiseley

Peggy Haas

Peter Haddock

Eve Hadley

Duane Hall

Emory and Frederic Hamilton, Jr.

Nancy and Paul Hamilton

Ruby Hamilton

Wayne Hamilton

Hamilton Marine

Hammond Lumber Company Camden

Sharon Hanley

Lucile and Stephen Hanscom

Stanwood and Barbara Hanson

Elizabeth Harder

Jane and Stephen Hardy

Anne Harmon Fear and Thomas Fear

Jennifer Watt Harrell

Judith and Leroy Harrington

Jenifer Harris

Priscilla Hart

Janet and Charles Hartman

Harvest Valley Snowmobile Club

Frank and Erika Harvey

Ralph and Joyce Harvey

Truth Hawk and Paul Kluger, MD

Arthur and Sara Hayes

Lori and John Hayes

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

Robert and Roberta-Lee Heald

Walter and Mary Heathcote

Chun Mei and Robert Hellerson

Eric Hendrickson

Elizabeth Henry

Susan Henry

Kathleen Hermann

Francis and Jean Hertz

Charlotte Hewat

Karen Hicock

Hidden Valley Camps Inc.

Caroline Higgins

Joseph and Dorothy Higgins

Marvin Higgins

Alison Hildreth

Lorna Hills

Rotchana Hirshberg

Roy and Debbi Hitchings

Georgia Hodgkins

Kimberly and Michael Hodgkins

Doris E. Hodson Trust

Dr. Bruce A. Hoekstra

John Hoff and Laura Berkshire

Rona Hokanson

Albert O. Holland

Jeffrey and Peggy Holt

Clark and Martha Hooper

Patricia Hopkins

Horch Roofing, Inc

Hospice Volunteers

Howie Carr Show Enterprises LLC

Mrs. Mary J. Hughes

Bruce and Barbara Hunt

Elizabeth S. Hunt

Vernon B. Hunter

Susan Hyde

Kathleen Ilvonen

William and June Ingraham

J. A. Croson LLC

Gwendolyn and Robert Jackson

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jahnke

Tom Jamieson

Ron and Shirley Jarvella

Robert and Paula Jedzinak

Patrick Jeffery

John Street United Methodist Church

Donald Johnson

Linnea K. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Ms. Meredith H. Jones and Mr. Dana P. Murch

Patricia and Rendle Jones, Esq.

Jonesport Beals High School

Asger and Sandra Jorgensen

Just Friends Hair Design

Sally Kaehrle

Leonard and Deanne Kalinowski

Steven and Constance Kalloch

Ted and Susan Kanellakis


Gerald and Marsha Kaplan

S. Joel Karp

David and Stephanie Karsten

K. Bradley Kehler, OD

James Keller and Judith Daniels

Bud and Wendy Kellett

The Kelley Family

Fred and Molly Kellogg

Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District

Ellen C. Kenney

Celeste and Jim Kichefski

Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation

James Kinnealey

Sumner and Marjorie Kinney

Nada and Joseph Kirk

Jeanne and Paul Klainer, MD

Elinor Klivans

Caroline Knight and Mike Kerzee

Knox Girl Scout Troop

Paul Knutson

Dale Kimball-Kocot and James Kocot

Ervin Koenig

Dency Kokoozian

BJ Kopishke

Richard Koski and Dorothy Koski

Bill Kreamer

Stephanie and Alan Kumble

Carroll LaHaye

Anton and Alison Lahnston

The Landing Place

Meredith Lang

Christina and Stan Lanphier

Sally and R. Chase Lasbury

Douglas and Lucille Lash

Stephanie Lash, MD

Laugh loud Smile big

Andrew Lawrence

Elizabeth Lawrence, MD and Caleb Lawrence

Bill and Marty Leavitt

Aimee LeClerc

Jennifer Lee

Lancelot and Dorothy Lee

Marilyn C. Leggett

R. Michael Lenderking

Sandra and David Leonard

Lillian Letourneau

Allison and Bill Libby

Libra Foundation

Cheryl A. Liechty, MD, MPH and Mark P. Eggena, MD, PhD

Judith Lindahl

Marilyn Lindquist

Melinda and Wayne Lindsey

Frederick and Kimberley Lipp

Bruce R. Lively and Ann P. Rutherford

Thomas Lloyd and Wickham Taylor

Bill Lohrman

Robin and Laurence Lombard

Heather Long

Lonza Rockland, Inc.

Harrah Lord

Kenneth and Diane Love

Jacquelyn Lovejoy

Sue Low

Patricia and Robert Lowe

Estate of Ed and Nancy Ludwig

Pat Lundholm

Jessie and Paul Luttrell

Mark Lutz

Patricia Lyford

Deborah and Richard Lyon

Eleanor MacDonald

Audrey Mack

Mahogany Hair Salon

John and Betty Ann Mahoney

Maine Cancer Foundation

Maine Chiefs of Police Association

Mainely Coffee

Maybelle Mank

Joseph Manuel

Judge and Mrs. Alfred L. Margolis

Maritime Energy

Francis Marsano, Esq.

Michael and Lisa Marshall

Cynthia and William Martell

Martha Martens

Eleanor and Carroll Martin

Hugh and Sue Martin

Clara Mason

Susan and Steve Masone

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Master

James and Jean Matlack

Matthews Brothers Company

David and Karen Maxwell

Lori and David Maxwell

Joan McBain

Colin McCabe

Zachary McCormick and Saben McCormick

Sandra and Stanley McCurdy

McDonald's of Rockland, Damariscotta

Jane McDonnell

Stephen and Diann McGraw

Gustaf McIlhenny

John and Wende McIlwain

Matthew McKillop

Tim McLelllan

Janet McMahon

Peter and Amy McNaughton

Kathleen and Peter McNeill

MELMAC Educaton Foundation

Jane and Robert Merrill, MD

Winnifred Merrill

Pat Messler

James Metsch

Marion Metzger

Lauren Michalakes, MD and Chris Michalakes, DO

The Mid-Coast School of Technology

Midcoast Solid Waste Corporation

Midcoast Umpire Association

Katherine Migliorato

Annie and Robert Miles

Michael and Deborah Millay

Ed and Carol Miller

Carlotta and Merlin Miller

Diane L. E. Green Minor and Q. Grady Minor

Zareen Taj Mirza

Archie E. Mitchell

Kenneth and Deborah Mitchell

Richard Mitchell

Sheila and Floyd Montgomery, Jr.

Dennis and Anne Moore

Leslie Moore

Mary Moran, MD

Liz and Perry Morgan, Jr.

Caroline and Wayne Morong

Susan and Bill Most

Frank Muddle

Brenda and John Mullen

Angela Murgita

Kimberly Murphy

William and Mary Murphy

Dorsey Dee and James Murray

Kathleen Murray-Allain

Wayne and Jo Ann Myers

Denise Needham, PharmD

Pat and Jim Nelson

Mary Nelson

Beverly and Wayne Nelson

Network for Good

Mary and Paul Neuhauser

Debra and Johnson Neuschwanger

Russell Newbert

Claudette and Gerald Newhall

Nathalie Nicholas

Ellen and H. Gilman Nichols. Jr.

Jeffrey and Elizabeth Nims

Elizabeth Noble

Anne and Richard Norman

Northeast Delta Dental Foundation, Inc.

William E. Nuesse, MD and Jane Watkinson

Colleen and Carl Oberg

Barbara P. Oberg-Higgins, MD

Paul and Elaine O'Brien

Sandra O'Connell

O'Hara Corporation

Lynette and Frank O'Hara, Jr.

Robert and Robin Ohrt

John and Beverly Omalia

Janice and Lincoln Orff

Marcia Orff

Wanda and James Orino, DDS

Sharon Osborne

Laurie and Bruce Osgood

Krista and Dan Ottman

Jan and Jim Owen

Betty Page

Mabel Palermo

Deidre Parlin

Elizabeth Parsons

Phyllis M. Parsons

Priscilla and Keith Patten

Kurt and Catherine Patten

PBMC Nursing Fundraiser

Jane Peabody

Hon. Alan and Margaret Pease

Johnna Pendleton

Bonnie and David Percival

Richard and Margaret Petersen

Rachel and Gary Philbrick

Philippe and Jennifer Selendy

James and Catherine Pierce

Jane Piper

Mark and Florence Piscitelli

Tammy Plante

Leslie Poole

John Power

Nancy Prescott

Irene Purcell

Barbara B. Putnam

Jennifer Pyenta, DO and Jeffrey Willey

John and Joyce Pyne

Tina and Joe Pyne

Robert and Mary Rackmales

Mildred Rainey

James and Wendy Rapaport

Linda Raven

Kevin Redding

Redzone Wireless

Lawrence Reichard

Edward and Pamela Rengle

Mrs. Banning Repplier

Brian A. Richard, Sr.

Alice Richardson

Diana Rigg

Jonathan Rigg

Dorcas Riley

James and Ann Robbins

Louine Robbins

Karen Roberts

Lloyd Roberts

Thomas and Elaine Roberts

Glenda Robinson

Ronda Robotham

Rock City Employees Cooperative

Rockport Marine, Inc.

Rockport Steel

John Rodeman

Alice and John Rogers

Martha and Paul Rogers, lll

Hugh and Anna Ronalds

Dr. and Mrs. John and Charlotte Root

Patricia Boyd Ruffin and Nicholas Ruffin

Aphiwat Ruklittikul

Carlton and Lorna Russell

Mark and Diane Russell

Lisa Sabatine

James and Aimee Sanfilippo

Jeannette Sanger

Mary and Glen Sargent

Patricia Saucier

Marion Saunders

Lori Schafer and Jeffrey Wolff

Walter Schiff

Deborah Schilder and Fritz Burke

Marc Schnur

John B. Scholz and Margaret E. Barclay

Betty Schopmeyer

Susan Schorin

Melody Schubert

Gay Schueler

Sarah and Joseph Scordino, MD

Anita Scott

Raymond and Regina Seamans

Victoria Sears

Searsport Elementary School

Seek-No-Further Farmstead

Evan and Tracy Segal

Donna Sforza

Jerry and Gloria Sharp

Ken Shaw

Sandra L. Shaw

Warren and Jeanne Shay

Mary Sheldon

Dr. Thomas Sienkewicz and Dr. Anne Sienkewicz

Judith Simmons

Frank Simon, II

Paula and Wayne Sirois

Michael and Patricia Skalina

Doris Slivinsky

Cary Slocum and Glenn Montgomery

Peggy and Mark Smist

Frederick Smith

Sheri and Lloyd Smith

Leigh and Ronald Smith

Steven and Eva Smith

Susan and Robert Snead, MD

Carol Sodergren

Graydon and Jamie Sodergren

Anne and Tony Solley

Jeffrey and Andrea Space

Peter and Eileen Spectre

Spectrum Healthcare Partners

Nancy Spinney

Roger Sprague

William and Isa Squiers

Jane Staman

Tom and Jo Ellen Stammen

Molly Miller Staples

Judy Stein

Dr. and Mrs. Robert and Sarah Stein

Lorelei Steiner

Robert Steinmetz and Patricia Ashton

Constance Stelzer

Dr. and Mrs. William and Elizabeth Stephenson

Jane and E. William Stetson, III

Andrew Stevenson

Geoffrey and Joyce Stewart

Stitch Witch Sewing and Alterations

Charlene and Doug Stone

Henry Stone

Margaret A. Stone Marital Trust

The Stone Brick Oven Kitchen

Donn Storey

Linda Stover

Mark and Julie Strong

Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley L. Strout Jr.

Gerald and Diane Stuart

Richard Stuart

Rita and Douglas Sukeforth

Steve and Natalie Sulzer

Thomas S. Swinton

Stuart and Janey Symington, Jr.

Ann B. Sziklas

David P. Taylor

Martin and Lynne Taylor

John and Michelle Terry

M. David and Adena W. Testa

Mary Elsa and Skip Theobald

Gerald Thibodeau

Georgie Thomas

Thomaston Recycling Inc

Stephen Thompson

Connie Thyng

Terri Tibbatts

Vincent S. Tirola

Rufus and Jean Titus

Tower Control, Inc.

Roscoe and Patricia Towne

Toymakers, United Methodist Church

Jean Tracy, PhD

Brian Trask and Marilyn Trask

Philip and Donna Trask

Grace Trivers

Robert and Nancy Trone

Michael Tucker

J. B. Turner

Kathryn Turner

Patrice Turner

Marie Underwood

United Midcoast Charities

Ms. Rita A. Vail and Mr. Duane E. Mosier

Peter Van Alstine

Margaret and Martyn Vickers, Jr., MD

John P. Voge

Kermit and Michael Voncannon

Cindy and James Wade

Waldo County Sheriff's Office

Richard Waldron

Gary and Roberta Walker

Robert and Ruth Wall

Donna Ward

Frederick Wardwell

Beverly and Gregory Wardwell

Bebe Waterman and Wanda Johnson

David and Christine Watson

WCGH Best Cafe

WCGH Cardiac Rehab

Suzanne Webber and Will Hardy

Wendy and Robert Weiler

Ree Wells

Nancy Wentworth

Diane Weymouth

Debby Wheelock and Chuck Paine

Nancy Wheelwright

Howard and Laura Whitcomb

Robert and Julie White, MD

Marian White

Ron and Carol Whittle

Wendy and Roger Wickenden, MD

Gabrielle and Joseph Wicklow

Susan Wilcox

Sara and Peter Wilds

Irma J. Wilhelm

Kye Wilkins

Sonja L. Willett

Kenneth Williams

Margaret Williams

Richard and Carolyn Williams

Pen and Bev Williamson

Hannah Williamson

Jonathan and Hayden Williamson

Dorian and Arlene Williamson

Eleanor and Jeffrey Willmann

Adeline Winkes, MD and Timothy Kunkel

Jean and Robert Witherill

Barton and Priscilla Wood

Dorothy and Stanley Wood

Susan Wood

Riley Woodbury and Reid Woodbury

Lynette L. Woodcock

Arlene and Chandler Woodman

Lorna and Lee Woodward, Jr., Esq.

Dale and Alice Woodworth


Cornelius Yetman, DO and Monica Shields

Charlotte Young

Mary Young

Spencer and Janice Youngblood

Your Cause, LLC Trustee for The HCA Foundation

Elaine Zimmerman

Natasha and Anthony Zontini

Adriaan ZurMuhlen and Hilje ZurMuhlen

Katharyn Zwicker